Thursday, July 26, 2012

Searching and Analyzing: Google Search and Wolfram|Alpha Pro

Recently, quite a convergence of searching/analytical tools:

  1. First, Google has posted the powersearching course materials here .  I worked my way through about 80% of the course, before it was over.  I will be continuing.  In particular, the image search capabilities transcend my expectations.   
  2. In a digest of Gentoo linux related blogs (at, one discovers a veritable Easter egg---a blog post about what appears to be a new tool for analysis and searching.  This is at least a backup plan, to Google Search.  Find a discussion of "Wolfram|Alpha Pro at this site .

Reviving Meandering Eclectic

Be it self-conceited, or not, this is the closest thing I have---except for the Wordpress blog "" I have posted to from time to time---to a general, catchall blog, albeit with a Natural History bias.  Maybe it's time to revive my blogging self.  So.....   heregoes...